Collective prayer specially prayed according to the will of God has tremoundas power to break the strong holds and bring the expected answers, Internet is the best enviornment to gather the children of God from all over the world to pray. Let us not delay in participating in this worthy call for praying the Lord's Prayer.
Friend, may be this is the first time you have visited WPC website, may be you will visit us again, may not, but we want you to know that WPC earnestly pray ever day for you to come to know JESUS, and His blessings will be upon you, even though you may not visit WPC again, but we will continue to pray for you every day. Be blessed in Jesus name. The most important thing for all of us is to know JESUS, He will transform your life. |
We pray that the video clip ' How Great is Our God' will minister to you the love of God.
Top Comments from U-tube: 1. I just want you to know that this video has changed my life!! I can't stop watching it!! I have been given such a peace with all that I face when I hear it!! 2. Thanks for your ministry and the work you do to honor the Lord!!!!! Top Comments I'm crying before you.. I need you more.. oooooooohhh God!! oh I'm so hungry for more of your presence... Jesus!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmm |
How would you describe Jesus?
Some said he is the Lamb of God, and some said he is the Man in Battle, others said he is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. Some others said he is the beginning and the end. While some said he is Father of all Creation, the One that died on cross and share his blood for you and me so that we all can be saved. So tell me, how else would one describe him? I cannot describe Him. but the sweet Holy Spirit is guiding me and teaching me all about JESUS and the Kingdom of God. |
WPC is setup as a platform to pray and restore all what the enemy had stolen; our joy, our peace, our health, our wealth from our cities and our countries. Lord's Prayer is the most powerful prayer ever prayed on this planet Earth. All you have to do is to visit the website and pray the Lord's Prayer, every time you are visiting this website you are connecting with others who are praying the Lord's Prayer from different countries.
Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior, all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior, all the day long. Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Perfect submission, all is at rest I in my Savior am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. Philippians 3:7-9 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith |
Friend are you facing an impossible situation in your life?, you have been waiting too long fo an answer, nothing is happening, you can't get into fulltime employment, your can't find healing to your body, the only thing you can do is to turn your face away looking at the situation, turn away seeking help from man, don’t look for some prophet to help you, but seek the face of Jesus, start to walk close with Jesus, your faith in the name of Jesus will bring you the answer. Start thanking God for giving us Jesus, remember the name of Jesus has power to set us free from all addictions.
The name of Jesus takes the place of Jesus. So in Jesus name we can see the power of sin, sickness and poverty be broken in our lifes, all glory to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, you love us , thank you for your great love, thank you for your great plan of redemption which you planned. Thank you Father, your Son Jesus Christ not only took our sins and bare our iniquities, but according to your word Jesus had took our infirmities, bare our siickness and diseases. we turn away from worry, fear and doubt. we turn away from everything opposes your will and plan for our lifes. we only look to you. JESUS YOU ARE MY LORD JESUS YOU ARE MY LIFE JESUS YOU ARE MY RIGHTEOUSNESS JESUS YOU HAVE GIVEN ME YOUR SPIRIT JESUS YOU ARE MY PEACE JESUS YOU ARE WITH ME ALWAYS JESUS THE JOY OF KNOWING IS MY STRENGTH JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER JESUS YOU HAVE GIVEN ME AUTHORITY JESUS YOU ARE MY PROVIDER JESUS YOU ARE MY BANNER, MY VICTORY JESUS YOU LOVE ME (Strength in Daily Living) WE THANK YOU JESUS FOR BEING WITH US TODAY. WE PRAISE YOU THIS DAY. WE WORSHIP YOU JESUS THIS DAY WE MAGNIFY THE NAME OF JESUS TODAY. FOREVER O LORD, YOUR WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF JESUS. THE NAME OF JESUS IS ABOVE ALL THE NAMES OF THE DISEAES, THE NAME OF JESUS ABOVE ALL THE NAMES WE USE TO IDENTIFY, AND EXPRESS OUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEELINGS. NAME OF JESUS HAS AUTHORITY AND POWER TO BREAK ALL THE STRONG HOLDS THAT ARE NOT ALLOWING US TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS HE GIVES US DAILY FROM HIS PRESENCE. |
Call for all nations to join in Praying the Lord's Prayer.
'Every nation has its peculiar contribution to make to the interpretation of Christianity. The Son of man is too great to be expressed by any one portion of humanity. Those that differ from us most will probably contribute most to our expression of Christianity'. E. Stanley Jones. |
E. Stanley Jones, a Christian missionary to India, once asked Ghandi the following question: "How can we make Christianity naturalized in India, not a foreign thing, identified with a foreign government and a foreign people, but a part of the national life of India and contributing its power to India's uplift?"
Gandhi responded: "First, I would suggest all of you Christians, missionaries and all, must begin to live more like Jesus Christ. Second, practice your religion without adulterating it or toning it down. Third, emphasize love and make it your working force, for love is central in Christianity. Fourth, study the non-Christian religions more sympathetically to find the good that is within them, in order to have a more sympathetic approach to the people." Friends when we begin to walk in love towards others, it allows us to come into the presence of God. love over comes all fears, and worries, the true nature of Christ in us becomes alive when we walk in love. let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us. Holy Spirit will help us to be rooted and grounded in love. Friends if you want God's power to work in your life, allow the love of God to let loose in your life, that is the only way you will see the power of God working in your life. Friends, the important thing God is telling each of us is to take a step of faith in what ever we are doing. Move with what ever gifts God has given you- knowing that when we find that gift and use it, no matter what the condition of the world around us, recession or no recession, we will be the happiest people on earth. Ref .'The Happiest People on Earth by Demos Shakarian. 27-10-11 PLEASE READ THE LATEST PRAISE REPORTS IN PAGE Synergistic Collective Power of Prayer page. it will encourage you to put your trust in God. |
Open the Floodgates of Heaven Lord, and let it rain all over the Earth we pray
![]() Friends may the Lord give us the passion to pray for our Planet Earth & the patience to wait for Jesus our Sun to arise all over the world.
"All our hopes are in you Jesus, you are the Sun, we can see you by faith arising to set all the nations on this planet free to live under your Kingdom" May the Lord open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain, and refresh us, let the spirit of God move across every nation. Let us stand together in seeing all the nations of the world saved. " Like an eagle God will carry us through these times" In the Name of Jesus we receive the blessings of God for our generation and also for our next generation The heritage of the good man is handed down to his children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the upright man. |
Power of Faith
![]() There is something about believing in God, will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you - Smith Wiggelsworth
The story is told of a dream where four were kneeling in prayer and the Lord Him self came to meet the need of each. He paused by the first and laid His hand upon her, and His touch brought comfort and strength. Then He stood by the second, and He didn't put out His hand, but He just spoke a word, and the sound of His voice, soothed and healed. When He came to the third He didnot touch her or say anything. But the look on His face was so full of loving compassion that her heart was warmed and filled with joy. Then the Lord went on, and He passed by the fourth without a toch, a word, or even a look. The dreamer knew that the fourth one was going through deep waters, burdened for daily necessities. So the dreamer cried out, "Lord, why have You passed her by without so much as a look?". Then the Lord turned back and told " This last one doesn't need a vision or special manifestation from Me. She has faith, her faith in my word will make a way for her.- Revival follows revolution in INDONESI Who is JESUS ? (07-09-2011)
Who is JESUS ?
What can we offer you in WPC ?
![]() Thank you for visiting the World Praying Community website. We are praying daily for God's blessings to be up on your life and for God to guide you in all your ways.
We pray that the information provided by WPC website will encourage you and increase your faith in God. crosswalk.com
Psalm 91 carries with it a tremendous promise for those who choose to make God their dwelling place and choose to put their entire trust in Him (vs1). This psalm is a declaration of God's protection and deliverance for those who proclaim and declare God's faithfulness (vs 2). Even though the enemy plots and schemes against us (vs 3) we are assured that God will guard and watch over us (vs4) and that no evil will come near us (vs5-7). You shall be empowered to tread down the enemy and be victorious against his plans against you (vs13-15).
Matthew 26:26-29; 'Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:26-29, ESV)
Overcome desperate fear and deep depression
![]() There is something about believing in the name of Jesus Christ which will take the place of Jesus and set us free from all the things that are keeping us in bondage. Real hope and help will come when we cry out to JESUS.
If you want some one to pray with you, please send your request to Potters House Prayer Room, email: [email protected] |