Power of Collective Prayer
Definition for synergistic:used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two (or more). The word of God says as we come together in unity and seek God we will see great things happening among us. One can chase a thousand, but two can chase ten thousand.
Psalm 133 1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity ! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, Even Aaron's beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion ; For there the LORD commanded the blessing -life forever. As we come together daily from differnet parts of the world and engaged in praying the Lord's Prayer, God will open those doors that were closed in people's life and pour out showers of blessings on His people. Let us not faint or give up praying the Lord's prayer. God is doing great things on this earth, let us be in the centre of God's will and purpose. We have included some of the answers to collective prayer. We pray that reading the answers to collective prayer will increase your faith in trusting God for greater things in your life.
Lord's PrayerMillions pray this prayer, but how many of us really believe the power of this prayer, if we seek God in spirit and in truth through this prayer, we will see the power of God manifesting among us, to set the captives free, heal the broken hearts, deliver those who are oppressed and witness the mighty working of the Spirit of God among us.
In this section you will read the praise reports in connection with the prayer requests posted to us either through mobile phone, or by email, we are reminded of those prayer requests posted for which no answers were received, or in some cases the outcome was descouraging. Are we dissapointed because our prayers are not answered?. No!. Our God knows all our needs, our relationship with Him doesn't dependant on if our prayers are answered, it is a love relationship between us and God our Father, our Dad, He knows what is best for us, Psalm 139 describes the depth of God's love for us.
God created our inmost being; God knit us together in our mother’s womb. we are fearfully and wonderfully made; God's works are wonderful, we know that full well. Our frame was not hidden from God, when we were made in the secret place, when we were woven together in the depths of the earth, God's eyes saw our unformed body; all the days ordained for us were written in God's book before one of them came to be. How precious to us are God's thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were we to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. If God's thoughts towards us outnumber the grains of sand, it doesn't matter if our prayers are answered or not answered, all things works together for good to those who love the Lord. Let us encourage our self and continue to love God, He is able to do more than we ask or think, let us not limit God through lack of faith on our part.
" Father we thank you for what you are doing through the World Praying Community website, we commit every prayer prayed in this ministry in to your hands, and we trust in your ability and power to answer our prayers, we love you and we will continue to seek your face, fill us with your presence. Amen ".
Praise Report 06/10/2013
On the 5th of Oct,2013. Few of us from different parts of Ireland came together to pray for the project of a christian couple.
The prayer meeting started at 9 am, but I was late, by the time I arrived it was 11 am. We were praying for the needs of the couple in whose home the prayer meeting was held, half way through the prayer meeting, one of the believer requested prayer for their family member. Christians who attended the prayer meeting prayed earnestly for a positive answer for their prayers. Next day I received a phone call from the person who requested a prayer for the person's family member. The person was more excited about the news on how God has answered the request so fast, person couldn't believe the over night change on the person for whom we prayed in Jesus name. There is power in the name of Jesus, specially when we are united and seek God we see answers to the prayers offered in Jesus Name.
Praise Report 10/09/2013
Prayer request was posted on the 15/05/12 to pray for a
2 month old baby boy with heart murmur. Our prayer team prayed also other
believers prayed for this baby. Praise God, received news on the 19/05/12, all test result for scan
was cleared, there is no heart murmur. What can we say, when God manifest among
us, we stand back, not hinder His work, and be a witness to His work of
compassion, it is not about us, but it is all about Jesus. Thank you Lord for answering our prayer.
Today is the 10th of September, 2013, the little boy is doing very well,
brings joy to the parents specially the grand mother, our God is amazing, when
we call on Him, He always hear our prayer, when our faith is active we will see
results, Jesus repeated so many times about faith, what things so ever we
desire, when we pray, believe that we receive them, and we shall have them. God
is seeking to see what is in our hearts about the thing we are praying for, do
we really desire to see the break through, then we should believe that God has
heard our prayer, and the answer is on the way, that is the bridge between what
we desire and what we will receive, an direct answer to our prayer. Many of us
don't even know we have received the answer to our prayer, because our inner
man is not cultivated to a that place of knowing the mind of God, only the
Spirit of God knows the mind of God, as we allow the Holy Spirit to take full
control of our life, we will see major breakthroughs specially in the area of
Intercession and prayer and supplication.
Praise Report 10/06/13
I lost my driving licence week ago, I found it today in the Tesco shopping centre customer
counter.Thank you Lord for answering our prayers. Thank you lord for the
person who found it, I may not know the person, bless the person a thousand
times . B
Praise Report 08/06/13
Just wanted to let you both know that since we prayed on Wed night for baby Elizabeth there has been a dramatic improvement in her wrist. She is now using it and uncurling her fingers. This was not happening
before Wed. Praise the Lord. J
Praise Report 04/06/13
pls do not mention my name......pls pray for me as I go for medical tests this afternoon. ....many
thanks.....God bless your praying community.....
Praise Report 07/06/13
pls. thank the praying community the results of the ct scan were excellent praise God....thanks
for prayer s it meant so much to know that someone was praying for me....thanks
very much....God bless your work......
Praise Report 18-02-13
Nephew of Ger was admitted in the hospital, prayers were offered for him, received a feedback the followong morning, he walked down the stairs without any help looking for his breakfast!, praise God.
Praise Report 01-07-12
Prayer request was posted on the 27/06/12 to pray for Kumari who was not eating well, feeling very weak, she wanted to attend her daughter's concert, but was unable to do so because of her condition. Praise report received on the 01/07/12. Kumari's medical condition improved suddenly partly due to new medication, and also the prayers offered to God for Kumari, she was able to attend her daughter's concert, this was a miracle. we are believing in Jesus name for more creative miracles for Kumari and also for all the prayer requests that are posted to our prayer ministry.
Praise Report 21-06-12
Prayer request was posted on the 21/06/12 to pray for Andrew who had an important job interview. Praise report received on the 25/06/12, ' My nephew Andrew got the job! Praise God, and a big thank you to all the team who prayed. It was very important to him. P
Praise Report 22-05-12
Prayer request was posted on the 15/05/12 to pray for a 2 month old baby boy with heart murmur. Our prayer team prayed also other believers prayed for this baby.
Praise God, received news on the 19/05/12, all test result for scan was clear...ed, there is no heart murmur. What can we say, when God manifest among us, we stand back, not hinder His work, and be a witness to His work of compassion, it is not about us, but it is all about Jesus. Thank you Lord for answering our .
Praise Report 03-05-12
Anu's went for chemo treatment for the last few months, the blood test results were out yesterday, all clear, no cancer cells, praise God for His faithulness in answering our prayer. May our faith in God rise up every day, may all of us continue to grow in knowing Jesus Christ as our Saviour, Healer and Provider, may our desire be is to live a life on this earth to bring joy to our Creator.
Praise Report 26-04-12
Thanks to you and WPC for praying for me. Praise God for all his blessings on me. I have been praying for a job transfer and it has been approved. Thanks to our all mighty God. ' The Lord is near to all who call upon Him' Psm 145:18. E
Praise Report 26-04-12
its looking more hopeful for Ellie..! Her kidneys are working and they are draining fluid out of her lungs. Her parents have been able to leave hospital for the first time since she got ill. So all in all it seems that all our prayers are being answered..!! Thank you and the prayer group. N
Praise Report 09-04-12
We prayed on the 04-04-12 for Patrick who had a major surrey to remove his kidney, all arrangements were made for Patrick to go for dialysis after the operation. Operation was successful, praise God, but during the operation surgeons were able to save 2/3 of Patrick's kidney, which means there is no need for Patrick to go for dialysis!. Praise God for this added blessing to our prayer. May our prayer be Like Elijah, he was fervent in his prayer, he prayed expectantly, the effect of a fervent prayer brings in great results, it changes the very person who is fervent in prayer to believe for greater things and bring in the presence of God where ever the person goes. Holy Spirit is the main person in this prayer ministry in helping us how to pray, with out His help and direction we can't do anything, we need Him 100%,
"There is something about believing in God which will cause God to pass over a million people to get to us" Smith Wiggelsworth.
Praise Report 28-03-12: healed by listening the worship songs in WPC
I developed a severe stomach pain on Sunday night (25-03-12), couldn't go to sleep, suffered with the pain though out the night, and also in the morning, I was so tired, I couldn't even upload the World praying community website, with great difficulty I managed to click on the song ' God is here' in the main page of the website, I went to sleep listening to the song. Praise God when I woke up I was completely relieved of the pain, we might thing that it was coincidence, but for me it was a divine intervention through the anointed worship. I thank God for the anointed worship songs.
Praise Report 28-03-12: God speaks to us through dreams
Wed 21st of march, I woke up at 4 am having heard in a dream my daughter calling me ‘Daddy’ , but I felt that there is something wrong with her, went downstairs and prayed for her, and then went back to sleep. At 7:30 am in the morning I received a phone call from my daughter, she told me over the phone that she had a very bad night, and was very upset about it, I thank God I was able to talk over the things which were troubling her. Lord woke me up early and prepared me to help her.
Praise report 27.03.12
thanks to all in the prayer group that have been praying for Mrs R, she is feeling much better now and stronger. Tanx Evelyn. Lord Jesus we thank and praise you for all the blessings in Mrs R's life and ask you to continue to look after her and restore her to full health.
Praise Report 07-03-12
last night in our prayer meeting Lord encouraged us to continue to pray for Iran by reminding us how Paul who was a christian killer, God changed his heart, God will do the same in Iran. There are many Paul's in Iran. Nothing is impossible with God.
We give God ALL the glory and thanks and praise. Thanks also to all who prayed.
Praise Report 16-02-12
I want to thank every one who prayed for me and my family. Lord blessed me with the following words after the wed night prayer meeting.
I pray that if you are going through difficulties may your cry be heard in God's presence. Jesus knows your voice, He will answer you, be encouraged. BK
I called and you answered and came to my rescue.
Praise Report 07-Feb-2012
Praise report. 07/02/12 Praise & thanks to Christ our healer, for Alan's heart surgery went very well and hoping to be discharged tomorrow. Alan & his family wish to thank God and all who joined in prayer for a successful operation. His heart is better than it ever was. Lord Jesus we thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on Alan and his family and we pray for his healing to continue and to be an example to others of the power of the Your Name.
Thanks Ger. IPC/WPC
Praise Report 28-Dec-2011
Praise report. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His steadfast love endures forever. (Ps) The 10yr old boy that was diagnosed with cancer in the nose, had his biopsy re checked and now there is no trace of cancerous cells at all. The family would like to thank the child Jesus and all the people who were praying for them in their need. May the love and joy and peace of Christmas be with everyone. Ger
Thank you letter 23-Nov-2011
My dear friends & family, Just a small note to say a very big thank to you all for the love and affection you showed to me during my stay at the Hospital.(Oct 6th to 19th Nov.) Your prayers, get well wishes, phone calls, visits and everything else have made a tremendous difference. By God’s grace I received a tender care by the hospital staff and I thank and praise God for bringing me back home safely. As you are aware, I will be soon starting the chemotherapy treatment. The Doctors’ are hoping to start the treatment during the 2nd week of December and I wants you to continue to pray for me. It is only the promises of God and His compassion is comforting me and giving me the strength to keep going.
ISA 53:5 "He was wounded for our transgressions .... .... and with HIS stripes we are healed"
Thanks again for the outpouring of love and prayers. God is Good! With Love and prayers [A ]
21-11-2011 Praise God for Tom
Prayer request was sent for Tom on 17-Nov-2011. 'Please pray for Tom who is having a bone scan tomorrow that he will get good result.'
We prayed for God's complete healing for Tom and not any thing less in Jesus name, we believe in the power backing the name of JESUS and claim the healing which belongs to Tom. We prayed Tom will hold to his faith in the name of JESUS, which has tremendous power to break the power behind any names we use to express any thing. Thank you Father for giving us the name of JESUS.
Praise report received on the 21-11-2011
Praise the Lord, the bone scan for Tom is clear. Thank you all for your prayers. C
16-11-2011, Praise God for Catherine
Prayer request sent for Catherine on 20-oct-2011. 'Please pray for my niece Catherine, a student in the U.S. at the moment in hospital with a blocked artery in her stomach. Thanks. M'
Praise & thanksgiving to God. My niece Catherine, a student in the U.S. has made a complete recovery. All tests clear. My sister who travelled to the US found the favour of God upon her everywhere she went. Everybody so kind & so helpful. Thank you God, all praise & honour & glory to You in Jesus Name. Amen. Thank you everyone involved in Prayer. We are so Grateful, Mary.
Thank you Jesus, you are faithful in all your ways.
27-10-2011, Praise God for Emma
Prayer request was sent on the 25th while Emma was going to the theatre for lumbar patch. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks first treated for gallbladder then had meningitis, had lumbar puncture last week, now again she has gone for lumbar puncture, she is only 21, prayers were offered while she was in the operating theatre. Praise report received on the following day, procedure was succesful, she is in great form, eat her breakfast, the best the family has seen her in 3 weeks, no pain, she got home from hospital today, praise God.
14-10-2011, Praise God for healing Oliver from cancer, thank God also for medicine.
Hi Gerry. We would like to send a very sincere thank you to all the people who prayed for Oliver during his cancer treatment. There is no trace of any tumour now and today Dr. Martin told him he can have the peg feed removed as he no longer needs it and eating fine. Just imagine he couldnt swallow for 2 months. Thanks again. mary and all. Lord Jesus we thank you for all the blessings in Olivers life and freeing him from cancer.
02-10-2011, Praise God for answering my prayer and speaking to my valley of dry bones this morning.
I have been going through a very dry path in my life, my prayers for my wife and my family seem nothing happening, as I was praying in the Sunday service this morining, I opened the Bible, all I saw was Ezekiel 37, 'The valley of the dry bones', I could not resist but to read the whole chapter to the rest of the people who was in the meeting. At the end of the service I was told by another person that the same passage I read was printed in the 'word for Today 02-10-2011'' christian magazine!. I thank God for the confermation that He has spoken to me through the same word that I read at the service. God is going to open the graves in my lifes and bring me out from them, God has many ways to speak right in to the situation we are facing in life. Thank God, He will put His Spirit in me, and I will not be defeated by the situations I am facing regarding my family, and my church, God will settle us in the place where He has called us to be, thank God for conferming me this morining with out any doubt that God has spoken to me, and He has answered my prayer.I thank for the power in the wonderful name of Jesus.
20-09-2011, Praise report from Pauline regarding little Charlie
Great news... PRAISE GOD... Little Charlie in London got scan results yesterday and the cancer is all gone! The family want to say thank you to everyone who prayed. They appreciate it so much. God bless. Pauline
14-09-2011, M has been miraculoulsy cured of cancer
M living in UK has been miraculously cured of cancer. Drs mystified at perfect liver and barley a trace in her bones. Prayer was offered, praise God for answering our prayers. Praise God for His mercy and protection.
08-09-2011, Prayer for N, who is in hospital, very sick and feeling very low
Prayer request was sent on the 6th of Sep,2011 for N who is in hospital, very sick and feeling very low, received a praise report on the 7th of Sep 2011, N has made a miraculous recovery and she was busy thanking all those have prayed for her.
29-08-2011, Prayer for the mother, procedure now changed from minor to major surgery
Prayer request was sent on the 23, Aug, 2011: procedure now changed from minor to major surgery. Please pray she will get through the procedure as she is high risk. Please God all will go well tomorrow. She goes to theatre at 8 a.m.
Praise God, operation was successful here is the text message received from the daughter on the 24th,Aug,2011:
'she is out of theatre and got through. Thanx for all ur prayers X
your prayers are working. God bless you and yours X'
Prayer was posted on the 16th of Aug for Lilly Roche, age 6 with kidney failure, received praise report on 20-08-2011.
' Lily roach has made a miraculous recovery. Praise God...glory to His name.' M
21-08-2011, Praise God for saving my kidney
Doctors told me that I have tumour on my kidney, they have to do the operation immediatly and I might lose the kidney and I may have to go on dialysis. Praise God, operation was successful, doctors were able to remove the tumour and save the kidney. I thank the praying community for their prayer above all I thank God and His Son Jesus Christ for answering our prayer..
God created our inmost being; God knit us together in our mother’s womb. we are fearfully and wonderfully made; God's works are wonderful, we know that full well. Our frame was not hidden from God, when we were made in the secret place, when we were woven together in the depths of the earth, God's eyes saw our unformed body; all the days ordained for us were written in God's book before one of them came to be. How precious to us are God's thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were we to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. If God's thoughts towards us outnumber the grains of sand, it doesn't matter if our prayers are answered or not answered, all things works together for good to those who love the Lord. Let us encourage our self and continue to love God, He is able to do more than we ask or think, let us not limit God through lack of faith on our part.
" Father we thank you for what you are doing through the World Praying Community website, we commit every prayer prayed in this ministry in to your hands, and we trust in your ability and power to answer our prayers, we love you and we will continue to seek your face, fill us with your presence. Amen ".
Praise Report 06/10/2013
On the 5th of Oct,2013. Few of us from different parts of Ireland came together to pray for the project of a christian couple.
The prayer meeting started at 9 am, but I was late, by the time I arrived it was 11 am. We were praying for the needs of the couple in whose home the prayer meeting was held, half way through the prayer meeting, one of the believer requested prayer for their family member. Christians who attended the prayer meeting prayed earnestly for a positive answer for their prayers. Next day I received a phone call from the person who requested a prayer for the person's family member. The person was more excited about the news on how God has answered the request so fast, person couldn't believe the over night change on the person for whom we prayed in Jesus name. There is power in the name of Jesus, specially when we are united and seek God we see answers to the prayers offered in Jesus Name.
Praise Report 10/09/2013
Prayer request was posted on the 15/05/12 to pray for a
2 month old baby boy with heart murmur. Our prayer team prayed also other
believers prayed for this baby. Praise God, received news on the 19/05/12, all test result for scan
was cleared, there is no heart murmur. What can we say, when God manifest among
us, we stand back, not hinder His work, and be a witness to His work of
compassion, it is not about us, but it is all about Jesus. Thank you Lord for answering our prayer.
Today is the 10th of September, 2013, the little boy is doing very well,
brings joy to the parents specially the grand mother, our God is amazing, when
we call on Him, He always hear our prayer, when our faith is active we will see
results, Jesus repeated so many times about faith, what things so ever we
desire, when we pray, believe that we receive them, and we shall have them. God
is seeking to see what is in our hearts about the thing we are praying for, do
we really desire to see the break through, then we should believe that God has
heard our prayer, and the answer is on the way, that is the bridge between what
we desire and what we will receive, an direct answer to our prayer. Many of us
don't even know we have received the answer to our prayer, because our inner
man is not cultivated to a that place of knowing the mind of God, only the
Spirit of God knows the mind of God, as we allow the Holy Spirit to take full
control of our life, we will see major breakthroughs specially in the area of
Intercession and prayer and supplication.
Praise Report 10/06/13
I lost my driving licence week ago, I found it today in the Tesco shopping centre customer
counter.Thank you Lord for answering our prayers. Thank you lord for the
person who found it, I may not know the person, bless the person a thousand
times . B
Praise Report 08/06/13
Just wanted to let you both know that since we prayed on Wed night for baby Elizabeth there has been a dramatic improvement in her wrist. She is now using it and uncurling her fingers. This was not happening
before Wed. Praise the Lord. J
Praise Report 04/06/13
pls do not mention my name......pls pray for me as I go for medical tests this afternoon. ....many
thanks.....God bless your praying community.....
Praise Report 07/06/13
pls. thank the praying community the results of the ct scan were excellent praise God....thanks
for prayer s it meant so much to know that someone was praying for me....thanks
very much....God bless your work......
Praise Report 18-02-13
Nephew of Ger was admitted in the hospital, prayers were offered for him, received a feedback the followong morning, he walked down the stairs without any help looking for his breakfast!, praise God.
Praise Report 01-07-12
Prayer request was posted on the 27/06/12 to pray for Kumari who was not eating well, feeling very weak, she wanted to attend her daughter's concert, but was unable to do so because of her condition. Praise report received on the 01/07/12. Kumari's medical condition improved suddenly partly due to new medication, and also the prayers offered to God for Kumari, she was able to attend her daughter's concert, this was a miracle. we are believing in Jesus name for more creative miracles for Kumari and also for all the prayer requests that are posted to our prayer ministry.
Praise Report 21-06-12
Prayer request was posted on the 21/06/12 to pray for Andrew who had an important job interview. Praise report received on the 25/06/12, ' My nephew Andrew got the job! Praise God, and a big thank you to all the team who prayed. It was very important to him. P
Praise Report 22-05-12
Prayer request was posted on the 15/05/12 to pray for a 2 month old baby boy with heart murmur. Our prayer team prayed also other believers prayed for this baby.
Praise God, received news on the 19/05/12, all test result for scan was clear...ed, there is no heart murmur. What can we say, when God manifest among us, we stand back, not hinder His work, and be a witness to His work of compassion, it is not about us, but it is all about Jesus. Thank you Lord for answering our .
Praise Report 03-05-12
Anu's went for chemo treatment for the last few months, the blood test results were out yesterday, all clear, no cancer cells, praise God for His faithulness in answering our prayer. May our faith in God rise up every day, may all of us continue to grow in knowing Jesus Christ as our Saviour, Healer and Provider, may our desire be is to live a life on this earth to bring joy to our Creator.
Praise Report 26-04-12
Thanks to you and WPC for praying for me. Praise God for all his blessings on me. I have been praying for a job transfer and it has been approved. Thanks to our all mighty God. ' The Lord is near to all who call upon Him' Psm 145:18. E
Praise Report 26-04-12
its looking more hopeful for Ellie..! Her kidneys are working and they are draining fluid out of her lungs. Her parents have been able to leave hospital for the first time since she got ill. So all in all it seems that all our prayers are being answered..!! Thank you and the prayer group. N
Praise Report 09-04-12
We prayed on the 04-04-12 for Patrick who had a major surrey to remove his kidney, all arrangements were made for Patrick to go for dialysis after the operation. Operation was successful, praise God, but during the operation surgeons were able to save 2/3 of Patrick's kidney, which means there is no need for Patrick to go for dialysis!. Praise God for this added blessing to our prayer. May our prayer be Like Elijah, he was fervent in his prayer, he prayed expectantly, the effect of a fervent prayer brings in great results, it changes the very person who is fervent in prayer to believe for greater things and bring in the presence of God where ever the person goes. Holy Spirit is the main person in this prayer ministry in helping us how to pray, with out His help and direction we can't do anything, we need Him 100%,
"There is something about believing in God which will cause God to pass over a million people to get to us" Smith Wiggelsworth.
Praise Report 28-03-12: healed by listening the worship songs in WPC
I developed a severe stomach pain on Sunday night (25-03-12), couldn't go to sleep, suffered with the pain though out the night, and also in the morning, I was so tired, I couldn't even upload the World praying community website, with great difficulty I managed to click on the song ' God is here' in the main page of the website, I went to sleep listening to the song. Praise God when I woke up I was completely relieved of the pain, we might thing that it was coincidence, but for me it was a divine intervention through the anointed worship. I thank God for the anointed worship songs.
Praise Report 28-03-12: God speaks to us through dreams
Wed 21st of march, I woke up at 4 am having heard in a dream my daughter calling me ‘Daddy’ , but I felt that there is something wrong with her, went downstairs and prayed for her, and then went back to sleep. At 7:30 am in the morning I received a phone call from my daughter, she told me over the phone that she had a very bad night, and was very upset about it, I thank God I was able to talk over the things which were troubling her. Lord woke me up early and prepared me to help her.
Praise report 27.03.12
thanks to all in the prayer group that have been praying for Mrs R, she is feeling much better now and stronger. Tanx Evelyn. Lord Jesus we thank and praise you for all the blessings in Mrs R's life and ask you to continue to look after her and restore her to full health.
Praise Report 07-03-12
last night in our prayer meeting Lord encouraged us to continue to pray for Iran by reminding us how Paul who was a christian killer, God changed his heart, God will do the same in Iran. There are many Paul's in Iran. Nothing is impossible with God.
We give God ALL the glory and thanks and praise. Thanks also to all who prayed.
Praise Report 16-02-12
I want to thank every one who prayed for me and my family. Lord blessed me with the following words after the wed night prayer meeting.
I pray that if you are going through difficulties may your cry be heard in God's presence. Jesus knows your voice, He will answer you, be encouraged. BK
I called and you answered and came to my rescue.
Praise Report 07-Feb-2012
Praise report. 07/02/12 Praise & thanks to Christ our healer, for Alan's heart surgery went very well and hoping to be discharged tomorrow. Alan & his family wish to thank God and all who joined in prayer for a successful operation. His heart is better than it ever was. Lord Jesus we thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on Alan and his family and we pray for his healing to continue and to be an example to others of the power of the Your Name.
Thanks Ger. IPC/WPC
Praise Report 28-Dec-2011
Praise report. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His steadfast love endures forever. (Ps) The 10yr old boy that was diagnosed with cancer in the nose, had his biopsy re checked and now there is no trace of cancerous cells at all. The family would like to thank the child Jesus and all the people who were praying for them in their need. May the love and joy and peace of Christmas be with everyone. Ger
Thank you letter 23-Nov-2011
My dear friends & family, Just a small note to say a very big thank to you all for the love and affection you showed to me during my stay at the Hospital.(Oct 6th to 19th Nov.) Your prayers, get well wishes, phone calls, visits and everything else have made a tremendous difference. By God’s grace I received a tender care by the hospital staff and I thank and praise God for bringing me back home safely. As you are aware, I will be soon starting the chemotherapy treatment. The Doctors’ are hoping to start the treatment during the 2nd week of December and I wants you to continue to pray for me. It is only the promises of God and His compassion is comforting me and giving me the strength to keep going.
ISA 53:5 "He was wounded for our transgressions .... .... and with HIS stripes we are healed"
Thanks again for the outpouring of love and prayers. God is Good! With Love and prayers [A ]
21-11-2011 Praise God for Tom
Prayer request was sent for Tom on 17-Nov-2011. 'Please pray for Tom who is having a bone scan tomorrow that he will get good result.'
We prayed for God's complete healing for Tom and not any thing less in Jesus name, we believe in the power backing the name of JESUS and claim the healing which belongs to Tom. We prayed Tom will hold to his faith in the name of JESUS, which has tremendous power to break the power behind any names we use to express any thing. Thank you Father for giving us the name of JESUS.
Praise report received on the 21-11-2011
Praise the Lord, the bone scan for Tom is clear. Thank you all for your prayers. C
16-11-2011, Praise God for Catherine
Prayer request sent for Catherine on 20-oct-2011. 'Please pray for my niece Catherine, a student in the U.S. at the moment in hospital with a blocked artery in her stomach. Thanks. M'
Praise & thanksgiving to God. My niece Catherine, a student in the U.S. has made a complete recovery. All tests clear. My sister who travelled to the US found the favour of God upon her everywhere she went. Everybody so kind & so helpful. Thank you God, all praise & honour & glory to You in Jesus Name. Amen. Thank you everyone involved in Prayer. We are so Grateful, Mary.
Thank you Jesus, you are faithful in all your ways.
27-10-2011, Praise God for Emma
Prayer request was sent on the 25th while Emma was going to the theatre for lumbar patch. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks first treated for gallbladder then had meningitis, had lumbar puncture last week, now again she has gone for lumbar puncture, she is only 21, prayers were offered while she was in the operating theatre. Praise report received on the following day, procedure was succesful, she is in great form, eat her breakfast, the best the family has seen her in 3 weeks, no pain, she got home from hospital today, praise God.
14-10-2011, Praise God for healing Oliver from cancer, thank God also for medicine.
Hi Gerry. We would like to send a very sincere thank you to all the people who prayed for Oliver during his cancer treatment. There is no trace of any tumour now and today Dr. Martin told him he can have the peg feed removed as he no longer needs it and eating fine. Just imagine he couldnt swallow for 2 months. Thanks again. mary and all. Lord Jesus we thank you for all the blessings in Olivers life and freeing him from cancer.
02-10-2011, Praise God for answering my prayer and speaking to my valley of dry bones this morning.
I have been going through a very dry path in my life, my prayers for my wife and my family seem nothing happening, as I was praying in the Sunday service this morining, I opened the Bible, all I saw was Ezekiel 37, 'The valley of the dry bones', I could not resist but to read the whole chapter to the rest of the people who was in the meeting. At the end of the service I was told by another person that the same passage I read was printed in the 'word for Today 02-10-2011'' christian magazine!. I thank God for the confermation that He has spoken to me through the same word that I read at the service. God is going to open the graves in my lifes and bring me out from them, God has many ways to speak right in to the situation we are facing in life. Thank God, He will put His Spirit in me, and I will not be defeated by the situations I am facing regarding my family, and my church, God will settle us in the place where He has called us to be, thank God for conferming me this morining with out any doubt that God has spoken to me, and He has answered my prayer.I thank for the power in the wonderful name of Jesus.
20-09-2011, Praise report from Pauline regarding little Charlie
Great news... PRAISE GOD... Little Charlie in London got scan results yesterday and the cancer is all gone! The family want to say thank you to everyone who prayed. They appreciate it so much. God bless. Pauline
14-09-2011, M has been miraculoulsy cured of cancer
M living in UK has been miraculously cured of cancer. Drs mystified at perfect liver and barley a trace in her bones. Prayer was offered, praise God for answering our prayers. Praise God for His mercy and protection.
08-09-2011, Prayer for N, who is in hospital, very sick and feeling very low
Prayer request was sent on the 6th of Sep,2011 for N who is in hospital, very sick and feeling very low, received a praise report on the 7th of Sep 2011, N has made a miraculous recovery and she was busy thanking all those have prayed for her.
29-08-2011, Prayer for the mother, procedure now changed from minor to major surgery
Prayer request was sent on the 23, Aug, 2011: procedure now changed from minor to major surgery. Please pray she will get through the procedure as she is high risk. Please God all will go well tomorrow. She goes to theatre at 8 a.m.
Praise God, operation was successful here is the text message received from the daughter on the 24th,Aug,2011:
'she is out of theatre and got through. Thanx for all ur prayers X
your prayers are working. God bless you and yours X'
Prayer was posted on the 16th of Aug for Lilly Roche, age 6 with kidney failure, received praise report on 20-08-2011.
' Lily roach has made a miraculous recovery. Praise God...glory to His name.' M
21-08-2011, Praise God for saving my kidney
Doctors told me that I have tumour on my kidney, they have to do the operation immediatly and I might lose the kidney and I may have to go on dialysis. Praise God, operation was successful, doctors were able to remove the tumour and save the kidney. I thank the praying community for their prayer above all I thank God and His Son Jesus Christ for answering our prayer..
14-08-2011- I received the report, primary tumour shrunk by 35%
God our Daddy be all glory , I got the report that the primary tumour shrunk by 35%, and all other tumours including the cancer in lymph nodes have gone, to our Lord Jesus Christ be all glory, thanks now and forever more amen.
God our Daddy be all glory , I got the report that the primary tumour shrunk by 35%, and all other tumours including the cancer in lymph nodes have gone, to our Lord Jesus Christ be all glory, thanks now and forever more amen.
12-08-2011 I had the desire to work for Google 11 years ago
i never gave up, kept on applying even getting rejection letters over and over again, I never gave up, praise God I was offered a place to work in Google today ( 12-08-2011), Our God is a good God all the time. Father we thank you for those time when we didn't see an answer to our prayers you had been faithful in working for us, thank you Father, you are amazing, your nature is to love us, Father help us to seek your Kingdom and to live a life pleasing to you.
i never gave up, kept on applying even getting rejection letters over and over again, I never gave up, praise God I was offered a place to work in Google today ( 12-08-2011), Our God is a good God all the time. Father we thank you for those time when we didn't see an answer to our prayers you had been faithful in working for us, thank you Father, you are amazing, your nature is to love us, Father help us to seek your Kingdom and to live a life pleasing to you.
July, 2011 Little Charlie is doing well
Collective prayer was offered on the 17th of May 2011 for little Charlie who is 4 years suffering from tumour on brain, according to the report received on the 30th of July, 2011, Charlie has been through the radio therapy, may need more chemo but the signs are good. no scans for a couple of weeks, his parents are very appreciative of all the prayers
Collective prayer was offered on the 17th of May 2011 for little Charlie who is 4 years suffering from tumour on brain, according to the report received on the 30th of July, 2011, Charlie has been through the radio therapy, may need more chemo but the signs are good. no scans for a couple of weeks, his parents are very appreciative of all the prayers
June 21, 2011, Finding a parking space
June 21, 2011 was the graduation day for the final year medical students, normally on graduation day it will be very difficult to park the car in the university. I prayed to God that I will find a space to park my car, but couln't find a single space, I was about to leave the campus, saw some one trying to park the car nearer to the side gate entrance to the university, person tried few times to park, but couldn't do it, I saw the car leaving the university, and I was able to park my car in that space, and was able to attend the graduation, for me this a direct answer to my prayer. The Bible says our God is mindful of us, He watches over us.
June 21, 2011 was the graduation day for the final year medical students, normally on graduation day it will be very difficult to park the car in the university. I prayed to God that I will find a space to park my car, but couln't find a single space, I was about to leave the campus, saw some one trying to park the car nearer to the side gate entrance to the university, person tried few times to park, but couldn't do it, I saw the car leaving the university, and I was able to park my car in that space, and was able to attend the graduation, for me this a direct answer to my prayer. The Bible says our God is mindful of us, He watches over us.
14-07-2011, Baby Jeremiah few days to live, restored health through collective prayer
Year 2010, prayer request was received to pray for baby Jeremiah who was few days old, on life support machine, both lungs were closed, hole in the heart, according to the doctors, baby had few days to live.
Praise God through collective prayer, both lungs opened up, baby came out of life support machine, according the doctors ’it is a miracle that Jeremiah is alive'. Once again our great God is able to do more than we ask or think. Jeremiah’s parents celebrated his birthday and also his baptismal service few weeks ago. Praise God. We worship a living God. There is power in collective prayer
Year 2010, prayer request was received to pray for baby Jeremiah who was few days old, on life support machine, both lungs were closed, hole in the heart, according to the doctors, baby had few days to live.
Praise God through collective prayer, both lungs opened up, baby came out of life support machine, according the doctors ’it is a miracle that Jeremiah is alive'. Once again our great God is able to do more than we ask or think. Jeremiah’s parents celebrated his birthday and also his baptismal service few weeks ago. Praise God. We worship a living God. There is power in collective prayer
God be with you
We pray that you will be guided by the Holy Spirit in this journey to pray the Lord's Prayer. May God give us the wisdom, knowledge and strength to use this technology to be connected with others in different countries to pray. May the Lord manifest among us His power and glory as we call on His mighty name with one voice from all over the world. To read more about prayer, please click on The power of collective Prayer
World Praying Community
World Praying Community